vietnam flag hanoi

A little room

You had to climb up over two hundred stairs to reach the room where I lived in Hanoi. There was no bathroom, no toilet or sink on the top floor – just my little room with its narrow bed and a single window overlooking the...

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Notes on Hanoi

Places that I like to eat on Hang Dieu:Loc Tai bakeryThe Loc Tai bakery on Hang Dieu makes cakes, sells fluorescent jelly desserts but most importantly bakes sweet bread hamburger buns (Banh Tao) and croissant-shaped rolls (Banh...

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Snapshots of Vietnam

Halong City HighwayA man hovers over the body of another man’s in a roadside building. Perhaps a victim of the motorcycle madness that is Vietnam’s forte – it’s impossible to tell from the two small feet...

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MP3 Player

He had filled the MP3 Player with songs she liked. In truth, he did not like these songs but it was her surprise party and he wanted the music playing to be songs she liked. He resisted the urge to add songs that he liked, that...

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Border Crossings

I like South East Asian Border Crossings. I would recommend them to anyone. If South East Asian Border Crossings had a Facebook page, I would consider becoming a Fan. There’s something endlessly exhilarating about running...

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