You had to climb up over two hundred stairs to reach the room where I lived in Hanoi. There was no bathroom, no toilet or sink on the top floor – just my little room with its narrow bed and a single window overlooking the...
Category - Vietnam
When passing through a country for a month or two, it is impossible to grasp the nuances of the culture. You don’t even scratch the surface. Your eyes and senses see what they recognise and refract it through a prism of...
I’ve tried to write about what happened that day a number of times. I never get far, not far enough to feel like I have adequately described what actually happened. And for this reason I stop, delete what I have written and...
Places that I like to eat on Hang Dieu:Loc Tai bakeryThe Loc Tai bakery on Hang Dieu makes cakes, sells fluorescent jelly desserts but most importantly bakes sweet bread hamburger buns (Banh Tao) and croissant-shaped rolls (Banh...
When you travel you meet people. It is one of the many joys. You encounter everyone from free-spirited individuals out to experience the myriad of world cultures to those twisted characters that belong nowhere and are destined to...
It is evening under Saigon’s pinkish skies. Motorcycles course through the crowded streets like white blood cells rushing along veins to fight infection. For a constant angry swarm that threatens to tear you into ugly...
Halong City HighwayA man hovers over the body of another man’s in a roadside building. Perhaps a victim of the motorcycle madness that is Vietnam’s forte – it’s impossible to tell from the two small feet...
He had filled the MP3 Player with songs she liked. In truth, he did not like these songs but it was her surprise party and he wanted the music playing to be songs she liked. He resisted the urge to add songs that he liked, that...
I like South East Asian Border Crossings. I would recommend them to anyone. If South East Asian Border Crossings had a Facebook page, I would consider becoming a Fan. There’s something endlessly exhilarating about running...
It’s been raining continuously since I arrived in Hoi An. The river threatens at any moment to burst its banks; the market is several inches deep in water, vegetable detritus and fish guts swim freely in it, and puddles...